DIY Beach Mason Jar


This is a beautiful idea to add a touch of the beach to any space from our house. We can use for anything from storing q-tips up just to get our makeup brushes. Here I leave a tutorial on how to do it.

First you need a Mason Jar, glue (Multi-Purpose), brush, sand, hot glue, some seashells, and pearls.

Let’s get started!…

• Step 1: Apply the glue inside the mason jar with the brush. Make sure all areas are well covered with glue.

• Step 2: Put the sand inside the jar with glue, and move the jar until they are all well covered areas. You can also place the jar lid and shake it to cover all the areas.

• Step 3: Empty excess of sand and let it dry for about an hour.

Now it’s time to use our inspiration and show our creativity!… Is my favorite part!!

 Step 4: With hot glue, placed the pearls around the top of the jar. If you have beads that come in a thread is much easier to placed. Make sure that every time you go to add a row of pearls, start and end in the same place.

 Step 5: In the place when you started and ended the rows of pearls, with hot glue placed the seashells in the form that you like most. But make sure that you covered all started and ended points of the pearls rows.


Remember that the best thing is to let fly our imagination and creativity to make each project a part of us.

I hope that you have enjoyed this project. Be pending on the next week for the new weekly project.

Enjoy your mason jar!


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